THE YAKO-PADDLES for Aquatic Exercise

  • We designed the YAKO-PADDLE for exercise in water to strengthen muscles, improve muscle tone and enhance muscular coordination.
  • Athletes and physical therapists know that water is a very safe environment for exercising. In water, you can have a vigorous work out without overheating and straining muscles beyond their capacity.
  • The paddles work on the principles of hydrodynamics and accommodating resistance. When exercising with the YAKO-PADDLE, the amount of resistance (hydrodynamic drag) is equal to, but never greater than, the force of the muscle groups being exerted (accommodating resistance).
  • Men, women, and children possessing different strengths and capabilities can use the YAKO-PADDLE. By adjusting the venting system, you can determine the level of resistance desired, tailoring each exercise to your individual needs.
  • When moved in every direction, the YAKO-PADDLE offers equal resistance.
  • The venting method does not jam even if used in a salty, sandy/dusty environment, such as seas or oceans. Users can disassemble units to enable cleaning.
  • Both a swimming pool and surf/seaside locations are suitable for the products. (All materials used are suitable for its environment, with good UV and chemical resistance and high-impact strength.)
  • There will be follow-on products for legs and accessory products such as garments, t-shirts, carrying bags, poolside paddle racks, tethers and new designs for other existing products. We plan to produce many videos for fitness instruction and especially for specific physical therapy programs.

Training Guidelines

  • Recommendation: Consult with your physician before starting any exercise program.
  • Frequency: For best results, exercise three to five times a week

YAKO-PADDLE Resistance Levels:

  • There are five settings. Determine your own settings by experimenting until you find the level of resistance at which you can complete the desired number of repetitions or amount of time for each exercise.


  • Follow the directions and note the positioning of the hands, feet, and YAKO-PADDLE in each video or illustration on the waterproof exercise card. Make sure you maintain the correct form, as shown. Note the muscle groups targeted in each exercise. If you are performing the exercise correctly, you will feel the targeted muscle groups. Check your form if you don't feel the exercise in these muscles.


  • Keep track of repetitions and sets at each level of resistance. This will help you gauge the results of your program and measure your progress. To advance your exercise program as you become stronger, first increase resistance levels, then the number of repetitions, and finally increase the frequency and length of your workouts.


  • Choose a series of exercises which encompass all the major muscle groupings. Once you have completed this circuit of exercises, repeat it three to five times a week. Expand your program to include more exercises as your fitness level rises.